Discover The Advantage Of Having Real Experience On Your Side

Photo of Kathryn W. Cooper

Kathryn W. Cooper

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Practice Areas

  • Family Law 50%
  • Criminal Law 50%


After earning a BA in political science from the University of South Carolina in 2002, Kathryn Cooper graduated from Southern University Law Center in 2009.

While studying at SULC, Kathryn was an active member of Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity. As a third year law student, she served as Tureaud Chapter Clerk and PAD mock trial participant. After graduating, she served as the District XVI Justice, supervising the law school chapters in Louisiana and Mississippi. As a participant in the clinic program provided at SULC, Kathryn participated in the Mediation clinic, learning to listen to the parties and resolve disputes before the matter appeared in court.

For 13 years, Kathryn served as a public defender with the 10th JDC Public Defender office. Kathryn has participated in numerous criminal jury trials. During this time she also maintained a private practice in family law. In recent years, Kathryn has won two cases with unanimous not guilty rulings (State v. Jackson and State v. Burks), the former resulted in a Blackstone's Order award for her tenacity in fighting for individuals' rights.

Kathryn joined Hesser Cooper Beckham Law Group, LLC in 2022 where she intends to use her years of experience to help in a variety of cases. Here, she continues to exhibit meticulous preparation for cases, professional demeanor in the courtroom, and the guts and grace required to achieve results for her clients.

"...Our future is not what ideological spin we put on what we do, it is already here in the present. It is young lawyers learning their craft and showing the hard work and artistry of trial work. The epitome is demonstrated by the talented Katie Cooper of Natchitoches...She exhibits the confidence and poise that make for greatness in our field."


  • Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    • J.D. - 2009
  • University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
    • B.A. - 2002
    • Major: Political Science

Bar Admissions

  • Louisiana, 2009

Past Positions

  • 10th JDC Public Defender, Attorney, 2009 to 2022
  • Widhalm & Widhalm LLC, Attorney, 2019 to 2022

Professional Associations

  • LACDL, Board Member, 2014 to 2015
  • LACDL, Member, 2011 to Present


  • Blackstone’s Order, 2011
  • President’s Award - Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers


  • English